When framing photos, there are several types of color harmony you can use to achieve the desired effect. Monochromatic color harmony uses different shades, tints, and tones of the same color to create a simple and elegant look. However, it can be boring or dull if not done well, so adding contrast, texture, or interest with shapes, patterns, or lighting can help. Analogous color harmony uses colors adjacent to each other on the color wheel for a smooth and harmonious look; however, it can be too similar or bland if not done well. To avoid this, you can add variety, balance, or focal point with different values, saturation, or intensity. Finally, complementary color harmony uses colors opposite to each other on the color wheel for a dynamic and striking look. But it can also be too harsh or loud if not done well. To avoid this, you can add subtlety, harmony, or unity with different hues, shades, or tones.