Migrating from one PHP framework to another requires careful planning and execution. To make the process easier and safer, it is important to analyze your current codebase and identify the dependencies, components, and features that you need to migrate. You can use tools like PHPMetrics, PHPDepend, or PHP_CodeSniffer for this. Then, choose a target framework that suits your needs and preferences, and learn its basics, conventions, and documentation. Additionally, use tools like PHPBench or PHP Framework Interop Group to compare the performance and compatibility of different frameworks. Planning your migration strategy and breaking down the tasks into manageable chunks is essential. You can use tools like Trello, Jira, or Asana for this. It is also important to set up a local development environment and a version control system, as well as create a backup of your original codebase. Tools like XAMPP, Git, or Composer can facilitate your development and deployment. When migrating your codebase gradually, follow the MVC (model-view-controller) pattern and the SOLID (single responsibility, open-closed, Liskov substitution, interface segregation, dependency inversion) principles. Tools like PHPUnit, Codeception, or Behat can be used to test your code and ensure its functionality and quality. Refactoring your code as you migrate while applying the coding standards of your target framework is also important. Tools like PHP-CS-Fixer, PHP Refactoring Browser, or PHPStorm can automate and simplify this process. Moreover, review your migrated codebase for errors or bugs with tools like PHPStan, Psalm or Phan. Finally deploy your migrated codebase to a staging server for user acceptance testing as well as performance testing and security testing with tools like Apache JMeter, LoadImpact or OWASP ZAP before launching it to the production server. Once launched monitor its performance using tools like New Relic, Sentry or Google Analytics to collect data about its impact and outcome.