When it comes to tracking and measuring the impact of your video content, you need to select the most relevant metrics depending on your objectives. Metrics are quantitative indicators that show how your video is performing in terms of reach, engagement, conversion, retention, and satisfaction. Some of the most common metrics for video content include views, watch time, play rate, completion rate, click-through rate, social shares, comments, likes and dislikes, and feedback. Views are the number of times your video was watched. Watch time is the total amount of time your video was watched or the average time per view. Play rate is the percentage of visitors who clicked play on your video. Completion rate is the percentage of viewers who watched your video until the end. Click-through rate is the percentage of viewers who clicked on a link or a call to action in your video. Social shares is the number of times your video was shared on social media platforms. Comments are the number of comments your video received from viewers. Likes and dislikes are the number of positive and negative reactions your video received from viewers. Lastly, feedback is the qualitative responses you received from viewers such as surveys, testimonials, reviews, or ratings.