Matrix factorization also has some disadvantages for recommender systems. First, it can suffer from overfitting and underfitting, which can affect the accuracy and generalization of the recommendations. Overfitting occurs when the feature vectors fit the data too well and capture the noise or outliers, while underfitting occurs when the feature vectors fit the data too poorly and miss the important information. To avoid these problems, matrix factorization needs to balance the trade-off between fitting the data and regularizing the feature vectors. Second, it can be sensitive to the choice of parameters, such as the number of features, the learning rate, and the regularization term. These parameters can influence the performance and convergence of the matrix factorization algorithm. To find the optimal parameters, matrix factorization needs to perform cross-validation or grid search, which can be time-consuming and computationally expensive. Third, it can be limited by the linearity and independence assumptions, which may not hold for some data or scenarios. Matrix factorization assumes that the rating is a linear combination of the features, and that the features are independent of each other. However, in some cases, the rating may depend on nonlinear or interactive features, or on external factors such as context, time, or social influence. To address these limitations, matrix factorization may need to incorporate additional information or techniques, such as nonlinear functions, feature engineering, or hybrid models.