If you want to try using a neutral density filter for firework photography, you need to consider a few factors. First, you need to decide how dark you want your filter to be, depending on the effect you want to achieve and the ambient light conditions. Generally, a two-stop or three-stop filter is enough for most firework situations, but you can experiment with different strengths. Second, you need to choose a filter that fits your lens size and type, and that is of good quality and durability. You can either use a screw-on filter that attaches directly to your lens, or a slot-in filter that slides into a holder attached to your lens. Third, you need to adjust your camera settings accordingly, and use a remote shutter release or a self-timer to avoid camera shake. You may also want to use manual focus and exposure, as your camera may not be able to meter or focus accurately with the filter on.
Firework photography can be fun and rewarding, but it can also be tricky and unpredictable. A neutral density filter can help you create some stunning effects and enhance your firework photos, but it can also introduce some challenges and limitations. The best way to find out if a neutral density filter works for you is to experiment and practice, and see what results you get.