R is a popular programming language for data analysis and visualization, and it has several packages and functions that can help you perform PCA. One of the most common ones is the prcomp() function in the base R package, which performs PCA using the singular value decomposition method. To use this function, you need to pass your data matrix as the first argument, and optionally specify other arguments, such as whether to center and scale the data, how many principal components to retain, and what type of rotation to apply. The function returns an object that contains the principal component scores, the rotation matrix, the standard deviations, and the proportion of variance explained by each principal component. You can access these elements using the $ operator. For example, if you name your PCA object pca , you can access the principal component scores using pca$x , and the proportion of variance explained using pca$sdev^2/sum(pca$sdev^2) . You can also use the summary() and plot() functions to get a quick overview and visualization of your PCA results. For more advanced and interactive plots, you can use other packages, such as ggbiplot , factoextra , or ggfortify .