SOA and EDA are not mutually exclusive, and can be combined or hybridized to achieve the best of both worlds. However, there are some trade-offs and challenges that need to be considered when choosing between them or integrating them, such as complexity, performance, reliability, and maintainability. SOA tends to be simpler and more predictable than EDA, as it follows a request-response pattern and a well-defined contract between services. Meanwhile, EDA involves asynchronous and event-based interactions, which can introduce more complexity and uncertainty to the system behavior and state. Additionally, EDA tends to be faster and more scalable than SOA, as it avoids blocking and waiting for responses, and can leverage parallelism and concurrency. On the other hand, SOA can suffer from latency and bottlenecks, especially when dealing with synchronous and long-running transactions or workflows. Moreover, SOA tends to be more reliable and consistent than EDA, while EDA can face issues such as lost or duplicated events. Finally, SOA tends to be more maintainable and evolvable than EDA due to easier testing, debugging, monitoring, and versioning of services.