What are the most important factors to consider when testing vehicle durability?
Vehicle durability is a key aspect of mechanical engineering that ensures the reliability, safety, and performance of vehicles under various conditions. Testing vehicle durability involves simulating the effects of different loads, environments, and usage scenarios on the vehicle components and systems. In this article, you will learn about some of the most important factors to consider when testing vehicle durability.
Parag JoshiLead Engineer Electrical Test Labs Operations
Shalabh GuptaTechnical Lead India | ADAS | GNSS-IMU | Robosafe Systems India Ex-Emerson | Ex-Horiba | Ex-Sierra CP
Clodemir NascimentoEngenheiro Mecanico | Gest?o de Projetos, Metodologias ágeis e Lideran?a | Green Belt Lean Six Sigma | Experiência em…