The final step to prepare your data for machine learning models is to split and balance your data. You should split your data into training, validation, and test sets, so that you can train, tune, and evaluate your models without overfitting or underfitting. Additionally, if you have a classification problem with unequal class distributions, you must balance the data. You can do this by using random sampling to divide the data into different sets, stratified sampling to proportionally split the data according to class distribution, oversampling to increase the number of samples in the minority class, undersampling to decrease the number of samples in the majority class, or SMOTE to generate synthetic samples in the minority class. By following these steps and using various tools and libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, TensorFlow in Python or Power BI, Tableau, or Excel in other platforms, you can clean and transform your data for machine learning models and improve your sales prospecting results.