One of the main advantages of edge computing for AI is that it can improve the performance and efficiency of AI applications. By processing data locally, edge computing can reduce the network traffic, latency, and bandwidth consumption that would otherwise occur if the data were sent to the cloud. This can enable faster and more accurate responses, especially for time-sensitive and mission-critical tasks, such as autonomous driving, face recognition, and industrial automation. Edge computing can also enhance the reliability and availability of AI applications, as they can operate independently of the cloud in case of network failures or outages.
Beyond the commonly cited performance benefits, a more important consideration may be security and privacy. The major force holding back AI adoption this decade will be worried about security and privacy - and we're already seeing numerous examples of individuals and corporations accidentally exposing too much data to SaaS AI providers. Beyond that, we're seeing government entities (especially in Europe) highly concerned with data locality related to these AI services. Edge computing may be one way to ensure data stays local and secure while still allowing for AI-enhanced functionality.
While I understand that this is not top of mind for many people when thinking AI, ?????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ???? ?????????????? ???? ???? ?????? ????????, ???????? ????????????????, ???? ?????????????????????? and with the growing number of AI applications absolutely worthwhile to keep in mind and consider... ??
However, edge computing for AI also has some disadvantages that need to be considered. One of the main challenges is the security and privacy of the data and the devices. Edge computing involves distributing data and computation across multiple nodes, which increases the risk of data breaches, tampering, and unauthorized access. Moreover, edge devices may not have the same level of encryption, authentication, and protection as cloud servers, making them more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Another challenge is the scalability and management of edge computing for AI. As the number and diversity of edge devices grow, so does the complexity and cost of maintaining, updating, and coordinating them. Furthermore, edge computing may not be able to handle the high volume and variety of data that some AI applications require, and may need to integrate with cloud computing to leverage its resources and capabilities.
Loss of data is another disadvantage of edge computing. Data that is deemed "useless" is often discarded after being processed in the edge devise. However, if the usefulness of data was incorrectly assessed or if we need the data at a later stage of the process or for a different aspect of the analysis then we get stuck as the data has been lost.
Something to think about with edge AI is model drift which can result in degraded output over time. Typically we're training models in the cloud then minifying them to work on constrained devices in the edge and then let them run there. We therefore need to have good edge MLOps to monitor model performance, or even to find ways to correct model drift in the edge itself (these types of feature are becoming available). But first step is to have a plan to monitor and address model drift.
Depending on the way it is set up, the opposite can also be true: Edge AI can enhance the security of data: If the model runs on the device directly and is using a local vector database, data does not ever need to leave the device and be shared... and thus typically is safer. You can ofc set this up with a central model that runs locally to synchronize the edge models (share updates, propagate learnings...) too... as long as this is on-premise you can set that up very securely. Bonus: no need to worry about sharing your data with a cloud, SaaS, central AI model provider...
Cloud computing and edge computing are not mutually exclusive, but rather complementary approaches for AI. Cloud computing offers centralized, scalable, and powerful resources for AI, such as large data sets, advanced algorithms, and specialized hardware. Edge computing offers decentralized, efficient, and responsive resources for AI, such as local data, customized models, and low-power devices. Depending on the needs and constraints of the AI application, a hybrid solution that combines the best of both worlds may be optimal. For example, edge devices can perform initial data processing and filtering, and send only the relevant data to the cloud for further analysis and refinement. Alternatively, cloud servers can train and update AI models, and send them to the edge devices for inference and execution.
The Edge vs. Cloud definition seems a bit hazy to me: Edge Computing is a decentralized topology bringing computing to the data source; while this often can mean restricted devices (e.g. ECUs in cars or mobile phones), hardware is not a suitable criterium for distinguishing cloud vs. edge. An edge setup can entail rather capable devices and locations with many devices including big servers. While I see that hybrid solutions are most common so far, I do believe we will also see "edge-only" settings gaining some momentum in the future due to data privacy and security concerns, e.g. on shopfloors, office buildings, on offshore platforms.
This is a false dichotomy. Cloud is an operating model; edge is a location (proximity). A cloud can run at the edge. Full stop.
Edge computing for AI is being used in many different domains and scenarios. Smart cameras, for example, can capture, analyze, and act on visual data such as recognizing faces and objects. Smart speakers can process natural language and speech, enabling commands and questions to be answered. Smart vehicles can sense, navigate, and communicate with their environment, while smart sensors can monitor and measure physical parameters like temperature or humidity. These edge devices can be used for security, home automation, transportation, industrial applications, agriculture, entertainment, education, safety, and more.
Here are three salient reasons to use edge computing for AI. Edge AI makes sense when: 1. Latency and reliability are paramount. 2. The huge amounts of data you need to process (e.g., 1000 4K camera feeds) make long-haul transit costs untenable. 3. Local jurisdictions or enterprise requirements demand that data be kept locally.
Edge computing for AI is an ever-evolving field that has many potential applications and challenges for the future. Edge AI chips are hardware devices designed for AI tasks on the edge, such as neural network processing, machine learning acceleration, and computer vision enhancement. They can improve the performance, efficiency, and functionality of edge devices. Federated learning is a technique that allows multiple edge devices to collaboratively learn from their local data without sending it to the cloud, preserving privacy and security while improving the accuracy and diversity of the AI models. Edge intelligence is a concept that refers to the integration of AI with other technologies on the edge, such as blockchain, 5G, IoT, and fog computing. It can enable new distributed, autonomous, and adaptive applications and services.
Eventually, AI will be embedded in everything. It will be part of the fabric of our built environment, delivered as a utility to serve individuals, households and businesses. This pervasive AI is, by definition, edge. This is the endgame.
In an optimistic future, edge computing could stand as a transformative technology that significantly revolutionizes data handling and processing across industries. It promises a world of hyper-responsive, reliable, and efficient systems, bringing about groundbreaking advancements in areas such as IoT, autonomous vehicles, healthcare, and smart cities. With ongoing innovations in security and robust management tools, edge devices could become less vulnerable and easier to manage, effectively mitigating the risks associated with the technology. Advances in ML and AI could improve real-time insights and decision making and create new business opportunities.
Edge vector databases will gain attention in the same way that server / cloud vector databases have recently seen a surge in interest in AI (for the sake of simplicity: vector databases = the databases for AI). Vector databases are an important part of the AI tech stack, regardless of whether the AI runs on massive central servers, in the cloud, or on often more limited hardware on the edge
More powerful micro processors with better prices and lower power consumption Bigger memory modules with better speed and prices Emerge of SBC computers All results in powerful edge devices that handle edge computing easier
Edge computing is valuable for on-device data transformation and filtering, especially for feeding models. It can enable efficient sampling from dense data streams, thus reducing latency by sending aggregated and (hopefully) smaller payloads to more powerful compute substrates. However, this requires well-tested pre-processing code to be installed on edge devices. Also, any raw / original data would remain on the devices until cached out, limiting downstream access. A compromise involves including key metadata with filtered data to document essential characteristics without storing all of it. Note, the devices need to be flexibly updateable for bug fixes, performance enhancements, and ongoing compliance. So carefully select the edge device.
Overall, edge computing offers significant advantages for AI applications that require low latency, privacy, bandwidth optimization, offline operation, and real-time insights. However, it also introduces challenges related to limited resources, scalability, maintenance, data quality, and deployment complexity, which need to be carefully addressed in order to leverage the full potential of edge computing for AI.
?? Edge AI is a growing market (Gartner expects that "more than 55% of all data analysis by deep neural networks will occur at the point of capture in an edge system by 2025" already). With the current surge in AI and Edge Computing finally also taking off (after a decade of "the Year of the Edge" ??), this seems reasonable... so, I expect we will be seeing Edge AI growing at ludicrous speed ??
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