What are the key elements of a crisis communication strategy for your business?
A crisis can strike any business at any time, disrupting its operations, reputation, and stakeholders. How you communicate during a crisis can make a big difference in how you manage the situation and recover from it. That's why you need a crisis communication strategy, a plan that outlines how you will communicate with your internal and external audiences before, during, and after a crisis. Here are some key elements of a crisis communication strategy for your business.
Alessandro CalabròProject Manager PMP? / Management Engineer / Agile Mindset / ???? PMI ???? member
James Lodge FBCIGlobal Award Winning Business Continuity Manager | Adventurer and Endurance Athlete
Felisvaldo AlcantaraAdvisor | Business Continuity, Cyber Resilience & GRC Tech Lead | LSSBB | CBCP | MSc.