Placeholders and tags are symbols or codes that indicate the position and function of elements such as images, tables, graphs, hyperlinks, or variables. They can help you preserve the formatting and functionality of the original document, without altering or deleting any content. You can use placeholders and tags to mark the parts of the document that do not need translation, or that need special attention or treatment. For example, you can use
tags to enclose code blocks, or use [IMG] to indicate an image.
###### Use a CAT tool
A CAT (computer-assisted translation) tool is a software that supports and facilitates the translation process. It can help you with formatting by providing features such as alignment, segmentation, terminology management, quality assurance, and translation memory. A CAT tool can help you save time and effort by automatically applying the style guide, inserting placeholders and tags, and detecting and correcting formatting errors. It can also help you improve the consistency and accuracy of your translation by suggesting matches from previous translations or glossaries.
###### Use tables and lists
Tables and lists are useful ways to organize and present information in a clear and concise way. They can help you avoid long and complex sentences, and make your translation easier to read and understand. However, tables and lists can also pose formatting challenges, such as adjusting the size, spacing, alignment, and order of the elements. To ensure a high-quality translation, you should use tables and lists that are compatible with the original document, or that can be easily adapted to the target language and culture.
###### Use white space and breaks
White space and breaks are the empty spaces and lines that separate the different parts of a document. They can help you create a balanced and attractive layout, as well as improve the readability and comprehension of your translation. However, white space and breaks can also vary depending on the language, culture, and format of the document. For example, some languages may require more or less space than others, or some formats may have different page sizes or margins. To ensure a high-quality translation, you should use white space and breaks that match the original document, or that suit the target audience and purpose of the translation.
######Here’s what else to consider
This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?