A strategic director typically performs four main roles: planner, communicator, facilitator, and evaluator. As a planner, they design and implement strategies that address the current and future needs and challenges of the organization. They conduct research, analysis, and forecasting to identify opportunities and risks, and set measurable objectives and targets. As a communicator, they articulate and promote the vision, mission, and values of the organization to internal and external audiences. They build trust and credibility with stakeholders, and ensure that the strategy is understood and supported by everyone involved. As a facilitator, they coordinate and collaborate with other leaders, managers, and experts to execute the strategy. They foster a culture of innovation, learning, and agility, and empower people to make decisions and take actions. As an evaluator, they monitor and measure the progress and impact of the strategy. They collect and analyze data, feedback, and best practices, and adjust the strategy as needed to improve performance and outcomes.