What do you do if your Web3 project is struggling to adopt new technologies?
Web3 is an exciting and rapidly evolving field that offers new possibilities for decentralized applications, peer-to-peer networks, and digital sovereignty. However, keeping up with the latest technologies, standards, and best practices can be challenging, especially for Web3 projects that have already invested time and resources into their existing solutions. If your Web3 project is struggling to adopt new technologies, here are some tips to help you overcome the common barriers and leverage the benefits of innovation.
Iain WhiteTech Consultant | IT Leader | Mentor | Virtual CTO | Leadership Coach | Project Manager | Scrum Master | IT Strategy |…
Farhad F.Chief Communications Officer at @Enflux | Market Making
HarishKarthik GunalanCo-founder of Xield Protocol & CoinFantasy | Building World's first Invest-Gaming Platform | Blockchain & Web3 Expert