What do you do if your technological innovation is outpacing your business's ability to scale?
Navigating the rapid pace of technological innovation can be as exhilarating as it is challenging. When your tech outstrips your business's ability to scale, it may feel like trying to control a spaceship hurtling through the cosmos at warp speed. You're not alone. Many entrepreneurs face this dilemma, where their creation's potential seems boundless, but their company's growth capabilities lag behind. It's crucial to address this disconnect promptly to ensure that your innovation doesn't become a shooting star — brilliant but short-lived.
Paulo Henrique MarsulaCIO / Especializa??o Gest?o da Tecnologia - MIT / Master of Business Administration (MBA) - ESPM / Master of Business…
Itor TakayamaFinan?as | Controladoria | Cientista de Decis?es | Planejamento Estratégico | SAP
Juarez Cláudio G.Presidente e Conselheiro na AJG Holding | Administra??o, Negócios e Marketing / Av? / Familia / Aprendendo Sempre