What do you do if your salary increase request is denied during a performance review in IT Consulting?
Navigating a denied salary increase request during a performance review can be challenging, especially in the fast-paced world of IT consulting. Your value as a professional is not solely determined by your current salary, but it's natural to seek compensation that reflects your skills and contributions. If you're faced with a denial, it's important to remain calm and strategic. Understanding how to proceed can help you turn the situation into an opportunity for future growth and possibly lead to the salary you desire.
Valeriana Colón, Ph.D.Learning Scientist | Connection Centered IT Consulting
Basima Ja'araPh.D. in Management | PMP/PMI, ISTQB, ITIL, WCM Portal, EOT | Creativity & Innovation
Solane de Toledo CamargoEspecialista em Relacionamento E CRM | CX | SDR | Mapeamento de processos| Análise de KPIs | Funil de Vendas | NPS |…