What do you do if your mid-career motivational speaking style lacks uniqueness and impact?
Finding yourself mid-career in motivational speaking, you may hit a plateau where your message seems to lack the spark it once had. It's not uncommon to feel as though your speaking style isn't as impactful or unique as you'd like it to be. But rather than letting this stall your progress, view it as an opportunity to evolve and reinvigorate your approach. This article provides practical steps to help you refine your style, ensuring your words continue to resonate and inspire your audience.
Lisa GoldenthalHigh-Performance Executive Coach | C-Suite Leadership Transformation | Author & Speaker
Aditya VermaPersonal Branding || LinkedIn Ghost writer || Influencing 100k + People || Entrepreneur || Author || Bussines…
Bernardo Nicolau do Carmo Gon?alvesTransformo CEOs e Palestrantes em Contadores de Histórias | Treinador de Porta-Vozes, C-Level e Palestrantes | CEO da…