What do you do if your elevator pitch during an interview falls flat?
Imagine you're in an interview, and you have just delivered your elevator pitch - that brief, persuasive speech to spark interest in yourself. But instead of nods and smiles, you're met with blank stares or polite nods. It's clear your pitch hasn't hit the mark. Don't panic; this is a moment to demonstrate your adaptability and communication skills. Regroup quickly and remember that an interview is a conversation, not a monologue, and certainly not the end of the road if one part doesn't go as planned.
Dhara Majmundar, CHRP ?Sr IT Recruiter | MBA Candidate | College Professor | Career Coach | Lean Six Sigma | Classical Dancer | Canada's Top…
Navdeep Prasad19 | Student | Author | Philosophy | Finance | Articles Google | Founder Sapientia nova | Principal Architect The…
Olufunmilayo ARE-JODA?? Professor of Positivity, Joy and Happiness ?? Open to Collaborations