What do you do if you want to negotiate a higher salary as a recent graduate?
Navigating the professional world as a recent graduate can be daunting, especially when it comes to discussing compensation. You might feel inexperienced, but remember, you bring fresh perspectives and updated skills to the table. If you're aiming to negotiate a higher salary, it's crucial to approach the conversation with confidence and preparation. This article will guide you through the steps to enhance your negotiation skills, ensuring you're valued for your worth right from the start of your career.
Pari PatriResilience and Strength Management Trainer| Leadership coach| Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher| I help leaders…
Thiago PortesGerente Comercial e Marketing | Inteligência de Negócios | Planejamento Estratégico | Contact Center | Black Belt Lean…
Giovanni Alfonso Huanqui CantoDocente ESAN Posgrado Graduate School of Business.? en ESAN Posgrado Graduate School of Business.?