A decision tree is a graphical representation of a series of rules that split the data into different groups based on some criteria. For example, if you want to classify an animal based on its characteristics, you might start by asking if it has feathers. If yes, then it is a bird. If no, then you might ask if it has fur. If yes, then it is a mammal. If no, then you might ask if it has scales. And so on, until you reach a final category. Each node in the tree represents a question or a decision, and each branch represents a possible answer or outcome. The leaf nodes at the end of the tree are the predicted classes or values.
To build a decision tree, you need to choose the best features and thresholds to split the data at each node. This is usually done by measuring how much each split reduces the impurity or uncertainty of the data. There are different metrics to quantify this, such as entropy, gini index, or mean squared error. The goal is to find the splits that create the most homogeneous and distinct groups, while minimizing the complexity and depth of the tree.