Despite the challenges of using self-appraisal as a source of feedback, it can still be a useful and effective tool for performance evaluation and development if done properly. To make the most of self-appraisal, it’s important to provide clear and consistent performance standards that are aligned with the organizational goals, values, and culture. Employees should be trained and coached on how to conduct their own self-appraisal, including analyzing their performance, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, providing specific examples and evidence, and setting SMART goals. Additionally, employees should be encouraged to be honest, realistic, and constructive in their self-appraisal and to avoid biases or distortions. It’s also important to create a supportive environment where employees feel safe to share their self-appraisal results and receive constructive feedback from their managers. Multiple sources of feedback such as peer reviews or customer feedback should also be used to complement and validate the self-appraisal results. Lastly, the self-appraisal should be used as a basis for dialogue between the employee and manager rather than a final judgment or decision. Follow up on the results and action plans should also be done in order to monitor progress and outcomes of the employee's performance and development.