To implement a bloom filter in Python, you will need to import the bitarray and hashlib modules. The bitarray module provides a class for creating and manipulating arrays of bits. The hashlib module provides functions for generating hash values from strings. You will also need to choose a suitable value for m, the size of the bit array, and k, the number of hash functions. A common rule of thumb is to use m = n * ln(2) / ln(p), where n is the expected number of elements in the set, and p is the desired false positive probability. For k, you can use k = m / n * ln(2), which minimizes the false positive probability for a given m and n.
Here is a simple example of how to create and use a bloom filter in Python:
# Import modules
from bitarray import bitarray
import hashlib
# Define parameters
m = 1000 # Size of the bit array
k = 7 # Number of hash functions
p = 0.01 # Desired false positive probability
# Create a bit array
bloom = bitarray(m)
# Define hash functions
def hash1(x):
return int(hashlib.md5(x.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % m
def hash2(x):
return int(hashlib.sha1(x.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % m
def hash3(x):
return int(hashlib.sha256(x.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % m
def hash4(x):
return int(hashlib.sha512(x.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % m
def hash5(x):
return int(hashlib.blake2b(x.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % m
def hash6(x):
return int(hashlib.blake2s(x.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % m
def hash7(x):
return int(hashlib.sha3_256(x.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % m
# Define a list of hash functions
hash_functions = [hash1, hash2, hash3, hash4, hash5, hash6, hash7]
# Define a function to add an element to the bloom filter
def add(x):
for h in hash_functions:
bloom[h(x)] = 1
# Define a function to check if an element is in the bloom filter
def check(x):
for h in hash_functions:
if bloom[h(x)] == 0:
return False
return True
# Add some elements to the bloom filter
# Check some elements in the bloom filter
print(check("apple")) # True
print(check("banana")) # True
print(check("cherry")) # True
print(check("date")) # False
print(check("grape")) # False
print(check("orange")) # False
print(check("peach")) # False
print(check("watermelon")) # False
print(check("zucchini")) # False