User-centric monitoring is a shift from focusing on the technical aspects of application monitoring, such as availability, uptime, and response time, to focusing on the user experience and satisfaction. This means measuring and optimizing the application performance and functionality from the user's perspective, such as usability, accessibility, engagement, and conversion. User-centric monitoring helps you align your application monitoring goals with your business outcomes, such as customer retention, loyalty, and revenue. It also helps you identify and prioritize the issues and improvements that matter most to your users. However, user-centric monitoring also requires new skills and tools for application monitoring. For example, how do you collect and analyze user feedback and behavior data, such as surveys, ratings, reviews, sessions, and journeys? How do you define and track user-centric metrics and indicators, such as user satisfaction score (USS), user error rate (UER), and user journey success rate (UJSR)? How do you communicate and collaborate with other stakeholders, such as developers, designers, and marketers, to deliver a better user experience?