A third way to showcase performance and scalability is to share your code snippets that demonstrate your technical skills and knowledge. You can use
tags to highlight the relevant parts of your code, such as algorithms, data structures, or APIs, that improve the performance and scalability of your software design. You can also comment on your code to explain how it works, why you chose it, or what challenges you faced or solved with it.
###### Include feedback and testimonials
A fourth way to showcase performance and scalability is to include feedback and testimonials from your users, clients, or peers that validate your software design's performance and scalability. You can use quotes, ratings, reviews, or case studies to show how your software design met or exceeded the expectations, goals, or requirements of your stakeholders. You can also use feedback and testimonials to show how you improved your software design based on the feedback, such as fixing bugs, adding features, or enhancing usability.
###### Update your portfolio regularly
A fifth way to showcase performance and scalability is to update your portfolio regularly with your latest projects, achievements, or learnings. You can use a blog, a website, or a platform like GitHub or Behance to showcase your software design portfolio and keep it fresh and relevant. You can also use social media, newsletters, or podcasts to share your portfolio with your network and potential employers or clients. Updating your portfolio regularly shows that you are passionate, proactive, and committed to improving your performance and scalability skills.
######Here’s what else to consider
This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?