Recognition and rewards can be powerful motivators for innovation, but they must be meaningful and fair. As a line manager, you can provide recognition and rewards in various ways that depend on the nature and impact of your team's ideas. Verbal or written praise, either individually or publicly, is one way to recognize a team member's idea. You can also write a thank-you note, recommendation letter, or endorsement for their profile or portfolio. Alternatively, you could nominate them for an award, promotion, or special project. Tangible rewards like bonuses, gift cards, vouchers, or free lunches may also be offered as recognition. Intangible rewards such as autonomy, flexibility, or responsibility could be provided as well. You could even involve your team member in the implementation or scaling of the idea or give them access to more resources and opportunities. Make sure whatever recognition or reward you choose is consistent, transparent, and aligned with your team's goals and expectations. Favoritism, bias, or manipulation should be avoided so that your team members feel valued and respected.