Regardless of the methodology, tools, and frameworks you use, following the best practices and principles of software design and development is essential for creating high-quality mobile apps. This includes focusing on the user, designing with a modular structure, ensuring security, making the app testable, and making it refactorable. By doing so, you can balance speed and quality in mobile app development to create apps that are efficient, effective, and satisfying. User research, testing, and feedback should be conducted to ensure that the app is useful, usable, and desirable. Separating your app into independent and reusable components can help reduce complexity and improve readability. Security measures such as encryption, authentication, authorization, and validation should be implemented to protect your app from unauthorized access. Testing techniques such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing should be applied to verify and validate the quality of your app. Refactoring techniques such as renaming, extracting or simplifying should be used to improve your app's quality and functionality.