Before you start collecting and analyzing data, it’s essential to define your goals and indicators for public space performance. What are the desired outcomes and benefits of your public space project or program? How will you measure and quantify them? For example, some common goals and indicators for public space performance include user satisfaction and perception, user diversity and inclusion, user behavior and activity, economic impact, and environmental impact. User satisfaction looks at how people feel about the public space, its design, amenities, safety, and maintenance. User diversity considers who the users of the public space are and how representative they are of the community. User behavior examines how people use the public space, for what purposes, how often they visit, and how long they stay. Economic impact evaluates how the public space affects the local economy in terms of property values, business revenues, employment, and tourism. Lastly, environmental impact considers how the public space contributes to the environmental quality such as air pollution, stormwater management, biodiversity, and climate resilience.