What are the best practices for choosing a programming language for testing web applications with JavaScript?
Testing web applications with JavaScript is a common and important task for software testers. However, choosing a programming language for testing can be challenging, as there are many factors to consider, such as compatibility, performance, maintainability, and readability. In this article, we will discuss some of the best practices for selecting a programming language for testing web applications with JavaScript, and how to evaluate the pros and cons of different options.
Zouhair B.4+ years of exp | Software QA Engineer | QA Consultant | Formateur Selenium | ISTQB? CTFL | A4Q? Selenium Tester |…
Parita PatelISTQB certified(Agile ext. and Foundation) | Automation Testing | Manual Testing | Javascript |Typescript | PHP |…
Shivam RaghuvanshiSoftware Engineer at Aithent Technology | DevOps enthusiast ?? | Docker ?? | Jenkins ?? | Azure ?? | SQL ???