Once you have chosen your evaluation methods, you need to select your evaluation criteria and indicators. These are the aspects and measures that you will use to evaluate the quality and performance of your digital library collections. For example, content refers to the quantity, quality, diversity, and currency of the resources in the digital library collections, such as the number of titles, subjects, formats, languages, or sources of the resources, as well as their accuracy, reliability, relevance, and timeliness. Access refers to the availability, accessibility, and usability of the digital library collections for users; this includes the number of users, sessions, downloads or views of the resources, as well as the ease of navigation, search, retrieval or delivery of the resources. Services refer to the support and guidance that the digital library provides to users to enhance their experience and learning; this is measured by the number and types of services offered such as reference, instruction, consultation or collaboration as well as user satisfaction, feedback or learning outcomes related to these services. Finally, management refers to the planning, organization and administration of the digital library collections; this includes policies, procedures standards and best practices governing selection acquisition preservation and evaluation of resources as well as budget staff infrastructure and technology supporting these collections.