Querying a factless fact table is similar to querying a regular fact table, except that you do not have any measures to aggregate or filter the data. You only need to join the factless fact table with the dimension tables, and use the attributes of the dimensions to group, sort, or slice the data. You may also need to use some functions or expressions to calculate the derived measures from the factless fact table, such as count, distinct, or ratio. Here is an example of a SQL query that uses a factless fact table to analyze the products that are browsed on an e-commerce website:
-- Assume that we have a factless fact table called ProductVisit, which has the following columns:
-- ProductVisitID (surrogate key), ProductID (foreign key), CustomerID (foreign key), VisitTime (date and time of the visit)
-- Assume that we have two dimension tables called Product and Customer, which have the following columns:
-- ProductID (primary key), ProductName, ProductCategory, ProductPrice
-- CustomerID (primary key), CustomerName, CustomerAge, CustomerGender
-- The query below calculates the number of visits, the number of unique visitors, and the conversion rate for each product category
SELECT p.ProductCategory, COUNT(*) AS Visits, COUNT(DISTINCT v.CustomerID) AS UniqueVisitors,
COUNT(DISTINCT v.CustomerID) / (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) FROM ProductVisit) AS ConversionRate
FROM ProductVisit v
JOIN Product p ON v.ProductID = p.ProductID
GROUP BY p.ProductCategory