To effectively carry out stakeholder mapping, it is essential to take the following steps. Firstly, brainstorm and list all the people and groups who have a stake in the project, such as customers, sponsors, team members, suppliers, regulators, competitors, etc. Secondly, assess each stakeholder's interest and power, using a scale of 1 to 10, or low, medium, and high. To do this, one can use various sources of information, such as interviews, surveys, documents, or observations, to gather data about the stakeholders. Thirdly, plot each stakeholder on a matrix, using the interest and power axes. Different shapes, colors, or sizes can be used to represent different attributes of the stakeholders, such as their attitude, influence, or expectations. Finally, based on the stakeholder map, one can decide how to communicate and interact with each stakeholder group, using different strategies, such as managing closely, keeping satisfied, keeping informed, or monitoring.