What are the benefits of outsourcing maintenance and repair services in a TPM and lean manufacturing context?
Outsourcing maintenance and repair services can be a strategic decision for manufacturers who want to optimize their production performance and reduce costs. In this article, you will learn how outsourcing can complement and enhance your total productive maintenance (TPM) and lean manufacturing initiatives, and what factors to consider when choosing a reliable service provider.
Giuliana PamplonaEspecialista em Gest?o e Melhoria Contínua na Indústria | TPM | 5S | Kaizen | Estratégia | Gest?o da Rotina |…
Nilesh IndurkhyaGeneral Manager - Operations & Supplychain
Túlio MartinsConsultor sênior | TPM | Especialista | Facilitador | Engenheiro Mecanico | Manuten??o Produtiva Total | OEE |…