To make the most of custom expression visitors and overcome some challenges, there are several tips and best practices to follow. You can use the existing expression visitor classes and methods provided by the .NET framework, such as the ExpressionVisitor base class, the ExpressionTransformer class, or the Visit extension method. The ExpressionVisitor.Visit method can be used to recursively visit the children of an expression node and return a new or modified node. The ExpressionVisitor.Update method creates a new node with the same type and value as the original node, but with different children. Moreover, you can use the ExpressionVisitor.VisitAndConvert method to visit and convert an expression node to a specific type, such as a lambda expression or a member expression. Additionally, there is the ExpressionVisitor.VisitLambda method for visiting and rewriting a lambda expression node and its parameters, as well as the ExpressionVisitor.VisitMethodCall method for visiting and modifying a method call expression node and its arguments. Furthermore, you can use the ExpressionVisitor.VisitExtension method to visit and handle custom or unknown expression nodes that are not part of the standard expression tree types. Additionally, there is the ExpressionVisitor.VisitChildren method to override the default behavior of visiting the children of an expression node; this is complemented by the ExpressionVisitor.VisitBinary method for visiting and manipulating a binary expression node and its operands, as well as the ExpressionVisitor.VisitUnary method for visiting and modifying a unary expression node and its operand. Additionally, you can use the ExpressionVisitor.VisitConditional method to visit and rewrite a conditional expression node and its test, true, and false branches; this is complemented by the ExpressionVisitor.VisitMemberInit method for visiting and updating a member initialization expression node and its bindings, as well as the ExpressionVisitor.VisitNewArray method for visiting and changing a new array expression node and its elements. Lastly, you have access to both the ExpressionVisitor.VisitSwitch method for visiting and altering a switch expression node and its cases, as well as the ExpressionVisitor.VisitTry method for visiting and adjusting a try expression node and its catch blocks and finally block.