However, ABC also has some challenges that need to be addressed before applying it to service industries. One of the main challenges is the difficulty of identifying and measuring the activities and their cost drivers. Unlike manufacturing industries, where activities are more tangible and standardized, service industries often involve intangible and customized activities that vary depending on the customer, the project or the context. For example, a lawyer may spend more time on research or negotiation for some cases than others, or a teacher may use different teaching methods or materials for different students. Therefore, it can be hard to define and quantify the activities and their cost drivers in a consistent and reliable way. Another challenge is the high cost and time required to implement and maintain ABC. ABC requires a lot of data collection, analysis and updating to reflect the changes in the activities and their costs. It also requires a lot of training and communication to ensure that the staff understand and accept the ABC system and use it effectively. Therefore, ABC may not be feasible or worthwhile for some service industries where the benefits do not outweigh the costs.