To work with BITS in SNMP, you need to understand how they are defined and represented in the SMIv2 data model. BITS are derived from the OCTET STRING type, which means they are sequences of 8-bit octets. However, unlike OCTET STRINGs, BITS have a fixed size, which is specified by the number of named bits in their definition. For example, the BITS type PowerStatus has four named bits: batteryLow, batteryOff, acOn, and acOff. The size of PowerStatus is therefore 4 bits, or one octet. The order of the bits is from left to right, or from most significant to least significant bit. The value of each bit is either 1 (true) or 0 (false).
To define a BITS type in SMIv2, you need to use the BITS keyword, followed by a list of named bits and their positions. For example, the definition of PowerStatus is:
To represent a BITS value in SNMP, you need to use the hexadecimal or octal notation, depending on the size of the BITS type. If the size is a multiple of 4 bits, you can use the hexadecimal notation, which uses one digit per 4 bits. If the size is not a multiple of 4 bits, you need to use the octal notation, which uses one digit per 3 bits. For example, the value of PowerStatus where batteryLow and acOn are true, and batteryOff and acOff are false, is:
To read or write a BITS value in SNMP, you need to use the appropriate SNMP tool or library that supports BITS. Some tools or libraries may provide a graphical or textual interface that allows you to select or display the named bits and their values. Others may require you to enter or output the hexadecimal or octal notation directly. In either case, you need to refer to the SMIv2 definition of the BITS type to understand the meaning and interpretation of each bit.