Two team members clash during a workshop. How can you defuse the tension and foster collaboration?
Ever navigated choppy team waters? Share your strategies for turning conflict into collaboration.
Two team members clash during a workshop. How can you defuse the tension and foster collaboration?
Ever navigated choppy team waters? Share your strategies for turning conflict into collaboration.
I would have a discussion with both person at the same time find the root cause of the issue, defuse the situation and showing the two persons the a possible solution to their issue, without making either one feel as if they were wrong, depending on the situation, or if one person is wrong in the situation dismiss them both and later have a discussion with wrongful person to discuss option for a better environment.
1. Stay Calm: Approach the situation calmly to prevent escalation. 2. Separate Discussion: Speak to each member privately to understand their perspectives. 3. Focus on Facts: Encourage both to focus on work-related facts, avoiding personal criticisms. 4. Set Clear Goals: Reiterate common goals and objectives for the project. 5. Facilitate Communication: Mediate a respectful conversation where each can share ideas. 6. Encourage Collaboration: Assign them complementary tasks to promote teamwork. 7. Follow Up: Monitor interactions to ensure ongoing cooperation.
Lorsqu’un conflit éclate en atelier, il est essentiel de recentrer les échanges sur l'objectif commun. J'interviens souvent en posant des questions ouvertes pour amener chaque partie à exprimer ses points de vue de manière constructive, tout en reformulant leurs propos pour clarifier les malentendus. L’utilisation de techniques comme le tour de parole et la reformulation permet à chacun de se sentir écouté, réduisant ainsi les tensions. Enfin, je mets en place un exercice de co-création où les idées des deux parties s'unissent pour encourager la collaboration autour d’un but partagé.
Identify the likely strengths of the people who are clashing and remove any chance of shame by normalising the conflict: "In teams with strong individuals, there is going to be conflict. That's a good place to start because it adds energy and passion, but it's only a starting point." From there give a vision of how strong individuals working together are almost unstoppable. Set a high bar, low intensity, much celebration, and no shame. And ensure the best is always assumed of them.
Pour désamorcer les tensions entre deux membres de l'équipe lors d'un atelier, commencez par les écouter attentivement pour comprendre leurs points de vue. Restez neutre et encouragez chacun à exprimer ses idées sans interruption. Reformulez les points communs et mettez l'accent sur l'objectif commun de l'atelier. Ensuite, guidez-les vers une solution collaborative en leur demandant de proposer des compromis ou des idées ensemble.
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