A subcontractor misses deadlines in your contract. How will you ensure project completion stays on track?
When you're managing a project, timely completion of tasks by subcontractors is crucial for success. But what happens when a subcontractor misses deadlines outlined in your contract? This can cause significant delays and potentially derail your project. However, with strategic contract management, you can navigate these challenges and keep your project on track. It's about being proactive, communicative, and flexible while maintaining the contract's integrity and ensuring that all parties fulfill their obligations.
Manish SetaProject Controls | Project Planning | Construction Planning | Cost Management | Semiconductor Facility | Data Centres |…1 个答复
Jaybee G.Revenue Operations Specialist | Breadcrumbs
Thallis Altem Leite1o Gest?o de Contratos | Engenheiro Civil | Or?amentista | Gest?o de Projetos | Analista em Planejamento | Medi??o |…