Struggling to juggle teaching, research, and admin tasks in Higher Education?
If you're in higher education, you know the challenge of balancing teaching, research, and administrative duties. It's a juggling act that requires skill, time management, and often leads to stress. Each role demands a significant investment of time and energy, and excelling in one area can mean sacrificing performance in another. This article aims to provide insights and strategies to help you manage these competing demands more effectively, ensuring that you can thrive in your academic career without being overwhelmed by the workload.
Alsones BalestrinConselheiro de Administra??o | Estrategista de Negócios como foco em Tecnologia, Transforma??o Digital e Ecossistemas…
Dr Ndèye Niokhor GningSociologue des Organisations| Spécialiste en Management| Management Interculturel | Management africain
Professor Dr. Muhammad Aziz RahmanProfessor and Head of Public Health at Federation University Australia