A leader is facing challenges in a new role. How can you coach them to maintain confidence and resilience?
When supporting a leader facing challenges in a new role, focus on fostering their self-assurance and adaptability. Here's how you can help them thrive:
What strategies have you found effective for coaching new leaders?
A leader is facing challenges in a new role. How can you coach them to maintain confidence and resilience?
When supporting a leader facing challenges in a new role, focus on fostering their self-assurance and adaptability. Here's how you can help them thrive:
What strategies have you found effective for coaching new leaders?
Confidence doesn’t come from avoiding challenges, it comes from recognising strengths already proven in past experiences. A leader stepping into a new role isn’t starting from zero; they’re bringing skills, insights, and past wins that can anchor them through uncertainty. Using an appreciative inquiry approach combined with strength-based coaching, we help them shift focus from ‘What if I fail?’ to ‘What has worked before?’ By reinforcing existing strengths and framing setbacks as opportunities to refine skills, leaders develop resilience - not by resisting challenges, but by seeing them as part of their evolution. The goal isn’t just to adapt, it’s to thrive through intentional growth
When coaching a leader in a new role, I focus on clarity, mindset, and structured support. I help them shift from self-doubt to self-awareness, emphasizing progress over perfection. For example, in one company I worked with, a newly promoted director struggled with decision-making. We implemented a structured review system, where they analyzed wins and challenges weekly. This built confidence through measured growth rather than pressure for immediate perfection. I also reinforce resilience by reframing setbacks as data—not failures. When leaders see challenges as learning moments, they adapt faster and lead stronger.
???? ???????? ???? ???????? ???????????? Embody these characteristics to lead powerfully: 1. ??????????????????: Lead with honesty and strong moral principles. Integrity is the foundation of trust 2. ????????????????????????: Your team doesn’t expect perfection—they expect honesty. Let them see the real you, including your struggles and growth 3. ??????????????: A shared vision is a powerful thing. Make sure your team knows where you’re going and why it matters 4. ??????????????????????????????: Do what you say you’ll do. Even small moments of follow-through build a foundation of trust over time 5. ??????????????: People want to feel seen and heard. Take the time to understand their perspectives and show them they matter
Aqui est?o algumas estratégias: 1.Autoconhecimento: Encoraje-o a refletir sobre suas próprias emo??es, valores e princípios. O desenvolvimento da inteligência emocional ajuda a lidar melhor com desafios. 2.Defini??o de Metas: Ajude-o a estabelecer metas claras e alcan?áveis. Isso cria foco e permite medir o progresso. 3.Comunica??o Eficaz: Treine habilidades de comunica??o, enfatizando a escuta ativa e a transparência. Um líder que se comunica bem pode construir confian?a entre a equipe. 4.Gest?o de Estresse: Introduza técnicas como mindfulness, exercícios físicos ou práticas de relaxamento que ajudam a manter a calma em situa??es desafiadoras. 5.Desenvolvimento de Resiliência: Ensine estratégias para superar fracassos e aprender com erros.
It is important to give the leader not only advice, but also support. I believe that honest feedback plays a key role - without going overboard in criticism or praise. Joint analysis of difficult situations and an emphasis on their strengths also helps. Another useful tool is to ask the right questions so that the leader can find solutions themselves. What methods do you use?