UX design tools and techniques for games include user personas, user stories, user journeys, wireframes, mockups, prototypes, user tests, and heuristics. User personas are fictional representations of the target audience that detail their characteristics, behaviors, needs, and goals. User stories are short descriptions of what a user wants to do or achieve in the game and why. User journeys are visualizations of how a user interacts with the game over time and their feelings and thoughts along the way. Wireframes are sketches or diagrams that show the layout and structure of the game's interface and screens. Mockups are realistic images that demonstrate the appearance and style of the game's interface and screens. Prototypes are interactive models that simulate the functionality and behavior of the game's interface and screens. User tests are methods of evaluating the game's UX with real or potential users such as interviews, surveys, observations, or playtests. Heuristics provide guidelines or best practices to help evaluate and improve the game's UX such as usability, feedback, consistency, or clarity.