Fit frameworks are invaluable tools or methods that can help you validate your product or service idea before investing too much time and resources in building it. These frameworks can assist in defining your value proposition, identifying your target market, testing your hypotheses, and measuring your results. Lean Canvas is a one-page business plan that helps you map out the key elements of your product or service such as the problem, the solution, the unique value proposition, the customer segments, the channels, the revenue streams, the cost structure, the key metrics, and the unfair advantage. It enables you to focus on the most important aspects of your business and iterate quickly based on feedback. Customer Development is a four-step process that helps discover and validate the problem-solution fit and the product-market fit by conducting customer interviews, building minimum viable products (MVPs), testing assumptions, and validating learning. Pirate Metrics is another framework that assists in measuring and optimizing the five key stages of your customer journey: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. This helps identify important metrics for each stage; track performance; improve conversion rates; and understand how customers find, use, and pay for your product or service as well as how to increase their loyalty and advocacy.