The first step to create a BSC for your non-profit is to clarify your strategy and mission, which includes defining your purpose, values, vision, and strategic goals. Tools like the SWOT analysis, stakeholder analysis, and logic model can help with this process. After that, you can start developing your BSC by identifying the key objectives for each perspective. For example, the financial perspective may include increasing revenue, reducing costs, and diversifying funding sources. The customer perspective may include improving service quality, reaching more beneficiaries, and enhancing reputation. Then you need to select indicators that will measure progress towards objectives. For instance, the financial perspective may use income, expenses, and return on investment; while the customer perspective may use satisfaction, retention, and referrals. Afterward, you need to set targets that will define desired performance for each indicator. For example, the financial perspective may include increasing income by 10%, reducing expenses by 5%, and securing 3 new grants; while the customer perspective may include achieving 90% satisfaction, 80% retention, and 50% referrals. Finally, define initiatives that will help you achieve your targets and objectives. The financial perspective may involve launching a fundraising campaign, optimizing budgeting, or applying for new grants; while the customer perspective may involve improving service delivery, expanding outreach, or strengthening partnerships.