How do you use sql and nosql data together for advanced analytics such as machine learning and data mining?
SQL and NoSQL data are two different types of data sources that can be used for advanced analytics such as machine learning and data mining. However, they are not mutually exclusive and can be integrated to leverage their strengths and overcome their limitations. In this article, you will learn how to use SQL and NoSQL data together for big data analytics, what are the benefits and challenges of doing so, and what are some tools and techniques that can help you.
Iain WhiteTech Consultant | IT Leader | Mentor | Virtual CTO | Leadership Coach | Project Manager | Scrum Master | IT Strategy |…
Ashish JoshiData Engineering Director at UBS | Cloud, Big Data & Analytics Leader | Agile & DevOps Transformation | Building…
Dinesh ChitlangiaArtificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Distributed Systems, Apache PMC & Committer, Senior Member IEEE