One of the main uses of the history API is to add or replace history entries when the user interacts with your web app. For example, if your web app has a dynamic content area that changes based on the user's input or selection, you can use the history API to create a new URL for each state of the content area and push it to the history stack. This way, the user can use the browser's back and forward buttons to navigate through the different states of your web app. To add a new history entry, you can use the history.pushState() method, which takes three parameters: a state object, a title, and a URL. The state object can be any data that you want to associate with the history entry, such as the content area's state. The title is currently ignored by most browsers, but you can provide a descriptive string for future compatibility. The URL is the new URL that you want to appear in the browser's address bar. To replace the current history entry, you can use the history.replaceState() method, which takes the same parameters as history.pushState() , but does not create a new entry in the history stack.