The centipede game is a complex sequential game with two players, A and B, taking turns to decide whether to take or pass a pot of money which starts with $2 and doubles each time it is passed. If one player takes the pot, the game ends and that player gets the pot while the other gets nothing. If both players pass, they split the pot equally. By using backward induction, we can solve this game. The terminal nodes are either taking or passing by A or B, with payoffs that depend on the size of the pot. Assuming both players are rational and prefer more money to less, they will always take the pot if it is larger than the expected payoff from passing. Moving to the previous node, A or B must choose between taking or passing. Working through this process until we reach the first node, we find that A will always take the pot at the first node as it is larger than zero, which is the expected payoff from passing. Thus, the equilibrium outcome is ($2, $0), where A takes the pot at the first node and B gets nothing.