The third step in training your staff on zero waste catering is to implement strategies that involve your staff in the planning and execution of these strategies. Menu planning should be based on seasonal, local, and organic ingredients with flexible portions and options to suit different preferences and dietary needs. When purchasing items, only buy what is necessary, choose suppliers that share your zero waste values, and negotiate terms that allow you to return or exchange surplus or damaged goods. Proper storage of food is important, including labelling and dating products and using the first-in first-out (FIFO) method to avoid spoilage and expiration. During preparation, use the whole ingredient, avoid over-preparation, and find creative ways to use trimmings, peels, or leftovers. For service, use reusable or compostable packaging and utensils, encourage customers to bring their own containers, and provide feedback and education on portion sizes and waste reduction. Finally, separate your waste into different streams, such as compost, recycling, or donation. Additionally, partner with local organizations that can collect and process your waste.