To track the performance of sports facilities, you need to identify your indicators. These metrics will help measure how well you are meeting your objectives, and will vary depending on the type of facility. For instance, customer satisfaction can be measured by their happiness with the quality, safety, accessibility, amenities, and services of the facility. Customer retention can be determined by their loyalty to the facility, such as how often they visit or renew their memberships. Additionally, customer acquisition can be evaluated by assessing marketing and promotion strategies. Staff satisfaction and retention can be determined by their engagement with the facility's culture and values, as well as how long they stay with the facility. Recruiting qualified staff is also important to consider. Financial performance can be gauged by profitability and managing revenue, expenses, and cash flow. Operational efficiency is assessed through utilization of resources such as space, equipment, energy, and water. And operational effectiveness is evaluated through delivery of services such as programs, events, or rentals. Finally, environmental impact should be taken into account by measuring carbon footprint, waste, and emissions.