To effectively monitor and analyze your server architecture for different content types, formats, and devices, you need to utilize various tools and metrics that track and report the performance, availability, and quality of your content delivery. These include server monitoring tools that collect and display data about the server status, health, and activity such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk space, network traffic, and error logs. Content delivery monitoring tools measure and visualize the content delivery performance and quality like latency, bandwidth, packet loss, jitter, and video quality. Content analytics tools provide insights into the content consumption and user behavior like page views, bounce rate, session duration, conversion rate, and feedback. Examples of content monitoring and analytics tools are Nagios - a server monitoring tool that alerts you of any server problems or failures; Pingdom - a content delivery monitoring tool that tests and monitors the speed and availability of your content from various locations and devices; Google Analytics - a content analytics tool that helps you understand your audience’s needs and actions on your website or app.