Randomization is important because it helps you avoid confounding, selection bias, and spurious correlations. Confounding occurs when a factor that affects both the treatment and the outcome is not controlled for in the experiment. For example, if you want to test the effect of a new feature on user engagement, but you assign the feature to users who are already more engaged, you may overestimate the effect of the feature. Selection bias occurs when the units that receive a treatment are not representative of the population of interest. For example, if you want to test the effect of a new algorithm on user satisfaction, but you assign the algorithm to users who opt-in to the experiment, you may miss the effect of the algorithm on users who do not opt-in. Spurious correlations occur when two variables appear to be related, but the relationship is due to chance or a third variable. For example, if you want to test the effect of a new model on prediction accuracy, but you assign the model to units that have higher or lower values of a predictor variable, you may find a false relationship between the model and the outcome.