Configuring your firmware involves adjusting the settings and parameters that affect how your drone behaves and performs. You can configure your firmware using the software installed on your computer, such as Betaflight Configurator. To do this, connect the flight controller to the computer and open the software. On the Setup tab, check if the drone is recognized and calibrated, as well as the battery voltage, CPU load, and firmware version. On the Ports tab, set up communication protocols and functions for each port, like UART, I2C, SPI, and more. On the Configuration tab, set up basic features and settings such as mixer, ESC, gyro, accelerometer, PID loop, receiver, arming, failsafe, beeper, LED strip, and more. On the Power & Battery tab, set up voltage and current monitoring and scaling for the battery and power distribution board. On the PID Tuning tab adjust proportional, integral, and derivative values for roll pitch yaw throttle axes. On the Receiver tab configure channel mapping endpoints midpoints deadbands for remote controller. On the Modes tab establish switches auxiliaries for activating flight modes like angle horizon acro headfree turtle flip over after crash. On the Motors tab test motors ESCs calibrate ESCs. On the OSD tab customize display layout elements units alarms fonts for FPV goggles or monitor. Finally on CLI tab enter commands backup or restore settings using dump or restore commands.